Confederation Slavonic
Confederation Slavonic, or Словѣнскы Iѣзык (Slavonic), sometimes “Conslavonic” (Консловѣнскы), is the de facto official language of the Free Realms.
Why do we need a conlang? Why Slavic? How will it get adoption?
It ties the worldbuilding together: Tolkein wrote his books as background for his conlangs
It's a great way of diversifying the in-game culture without the baggage of actual different cultures
It's cool: virtually no other game has this
Slavic languages are basically mutually intelligible, while different Slavic cultures have quite diverse cultures
Confederation Slavonic will be intelligible and very intuitive, and super easy to learn for all Slavic-language speakers
Brief description
Confederation Slavonic is a “creolized” dialect/descendant of the Interslavic constructed language, spoken as a native language by the approximately 1 billion inhabitants of the Confederated Free Realms of Svitania the Uttermost (Вольности Конфедеральни Свитанїе Найдальшей Vollnosti Konfederallni Svitanije Naidallszei), and as a second language by another approximately 4 billion. Alongside English, it’s one of the de facto official languages of the early 25th-century Confederation.
In-universe, it originated as a novalang championed by the Slavic elements of the League rebellion as an identity marker against the imposition of languages like the Russian-based UNISLAV. The original version, in keeping with the neo-traditionalist ideology of the rebels, had a conservative, “pan-Slavic” phonology and morphology (OOC: this is just "etymological Interslavic")
But by the 25th century a series of mergers and simplifications has led to a distinct Confederation Slavonic language, with some basilectal influence from other Slavic languages like Belarusian.
The main differences from Interslavic are:
Merger of yuses and yers:
*ě, *ę, *ė > ѣ /ʲɛ/
*ȯ > ъ /ɤ/
*ų > у /u/
Iotated hiatuses transformed into gemination:
*člověčji > чловѣччи
*konji > конни
Deaffrication and merging of the dž/dź series
*medjunarodny > межународны mezsunarodny [mɛʒunaˈrɔdnɨ]
"Polish-like" alveolar stop palatalization and i/y neutralization
*sědětji > сѣдѣчи sėdėczy [ɕɛˈdʑɛtʃɨ]
Note on orthography: even though there are only two phonemes i and y, Cyrillic script distinguishes between i/и/ы using morphophonemic considerations:
и is the “unmarked” i, which is always used after consonants that lack a hard/soft distinction in native words (like ч ш к г х), regardless of the actual phonetic realization. In other circumstances, it represents /i/ as opposed to /ɨ/
ы is the “hard” i, which represents /ɨ/ in environments where it can contrast with /i/
Also marginally used in loanwords to force an [ɨ] pronunciation, such as in Iыптък Jyptȯk, a placename loaned from an extraterrestrial adstratum
і, when used as a vowel rather than a palatalization indicator, is used in the following three circumstances:
To force an /i/ pronunciation in loanwords: АК Тоокаці-Къркланд Tōkachi-Kirkland Corporation.
To avoid ugliness next to и or й: опій opium чій whose
This generalizes to any ij sequence being written as ій, or ї next to vowels. Свитанїа Svitanija
Rather large number of declinable Latinate loanwords. In particular, there are a few s/t alternations borrowed from Latin that are not found in other Slavic languages.
секуритас, секуритаты security
либертас, либертаты liberty
За нашы й вашы либертас!
виртус, виртута virtue
целестїaльны celestial
Секуритатне Силы Премислїе Security Forces of Premislia*
Еклесїальна Унїа Кардашовскы Ecclesiastical Union of Kardaszovsk
Random in-universe stuff
Витамо в Кардашовск --- срѣдищно мѣсто Iужных Звѣздых. Vitamo v Kardašovsk --- šedično miesto Južnih Zviezdih. Welcome to Kardaszovsk --- the central city of the Southern Stars
Наступна станицїа: Музей Кардашовског Наслѣдства Nastupna stanicija: Muzei Kardašovskog Nasliedestva Next station: Kardaszov Heritage Museum
Tower of Babel
И всiа земмiа имѣла iедин iѣзык и подобне слова. I vsia zemmia imiela jedin jiezyk i podobne slova.
Але къгда лiуди прѣмѣстилисѣ из възхода, они нашли равнину в краiу Шінар и онде осадилисѣ. Ale kygda liudi pšemiestilisie iz vyzhoda, oni našli rauninu v kraju Šinar i onde osadilisie.
Last updated
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